Ann Gallelli on Volunteer Boards

To the Editor,

As a regular attendee at official Village meetings other than the Board of Trustees, such as the Planning Board, Comprehensive Plan Committee, Waterfront Advisory Committee, Water Control Commission and more, it is clear to me that we, in Croton, are fortunate to have so many dedicated, civic-minded volunteers who work on our behalf. In addition to the above-named boards and committees which deal with regulatory issues for the most part,, the Visual Environment Board, the Conservation Advisory Council, the Sustainability Committee, the Bicycle Pedestrian Committee, the Recreation Advisory Committee, the Trails Committee all meet on a regular basis to analyze ongoing programs and projects, make recommendations to other boards, and organize events to make Croton a better place.

After attending several of these meetings in the last week, it occurred to me that these residents are not thanked enough for their contributions. Members of all these groups spend considerable time on preparation for their participation in their respective meetings, not to mention the time spent at the meetings. As a current Village Board member and former Planning Board Chair, I know how invaluable their knowledge and advice is to making decisions going forward.

This letter is a personal Thank You to all those members for making the job of Village Trustee easier and better-informed. If you have an interest in contributing your ideas to these Village-related committees or have new areas of interest, please leave your contact information and your area of interest at the Village Office.

Ann Gallelli, Trustee